TechBeat is a hub for the best product,
design, and engineering newsletters from across the internet.
Architecture Weekly
Oskar Dudycz
+5K Subscribers
The #1 newsletter around software architecture. If Event Sourcing, CQRS, DDD, Event-Driven, or Hexagonal architecture catch your interest, this newsletter is for you.
Awesome .NET Weekly
Various authors
+22K Subscribers
A weekly overview of the most popular .NET news, articles and projects
Awesome JavaScript Weekly
Various authors
+22K Subscribers
A weekly overview of the most popular JavaScript news, articles and projects
Awesome Node.js Weekly
Various authors
+22K Subscribers
A weekly overview of the most popular Node.js news, articles and projects
Benedicts newsletter
Benedict Evans
+175K Subscribers
A good way to catch up on all the relevant technology news with context, without the unnecessary throat clearing.
Vinh & Michael Wilson
BetterDev.Link collects links around the web that aims to help you learn something new. The topics aren’t tight to any specific programming languages, technologies or frameworks but attempt to include resources that might help you learn a thing or two from them
Big Tech Digest
Various authors
+1K Subscribers
The #1 engineering blogs aggregator newsletter. With 1000+ subscribers, Big Tech Digest brings the latest articles from 300+ Big Tech and startup engineering blogs like Meta, Google, Uber, Airbnb, Doordash, and more every two weeks along with a short summary.
Various authors
+11K Subscribers
If you have a love for quirky tech stories mixed with unusual facts and practical tools, then BizzaroDevs is most definitely for you. Every month we round up the most interesting technology related news and share ten of our favorite stories, along with three highlights that we expand upon in a slightly longer format. We also have some other fun sections where we share facts, quotes, and useful tools that you can use in your day-to-day work.
Paul Boag
How will you grow your skills in UX design, conversion, and marketing?
Various authors
+500K Subscribers
Explain complex systems with simple terms, from the authors of the best-selling system design book series.
CSS Weekly
Zoran Jambor
+37K Subscribers
Weekly e-mail roundup of CSS articles, tutorials, experiments, and tools
Changelog Newsletter
Jerod Santo
Changelog is an indie media company covering every facet of a software developer's journey
Various authors
Bi-weekly dose of hand-picked frontend news Each email includes articles, tutorials, design insights, demos, UI animations, and more to keep you at the frontend forefront.
Various authors
+28K Subscribers
A weekly digest of the best developer tools . We keep track of everything - dev tools, devops, cloud, and APIs - so you dont have to.
Daily Insider Developer News
Various authors
+16M Subscribers
Welcome to the Daily Insider Developer News, where code meets comedy! With an impressive subscriber base exceeding 1 Million avid tech enthusiasts, this newsletter is the ultimate playground for developer marketers.
ECMAScript News
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer & Johannes Weber
+16K Subscribers
Stay up-to-date on JavaScript and tools
Julien Plée
Software Engineering Management posts
Frontend Focus
Various authors
A once-weekly roundup of the best front-end news, articles and tutorials. HTML, CSS, WebGL, Canvas, browser tech, and more.